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Sacred Change Festival

A celebration and exploration of the deeper meaning of " Menopause"



Women Holding Hands


We implore you to delve into our most powerful time as women.


An exploration of the medical, physical, psychological and spiritual aspects of the peri/menopause. Joining together as one sisterhood, one power, one energy!


A remembrance of who we truly are.

A celebration of our most powerful phase of womanhood. 

Our Majesty,

Our Creation Potential

It is time to step into our power and dance with life again.


We are reclaiming this stage of life as the - 



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We live in a fast paced world, disconnecting us from the natural cycles and rhythms of our feminine flow. Our bodies begging for us to slow down and to break free of the life that we once knew. "The Change" can feel like a such a shock. Many of us longing for a community of elder women that can help us understand what is happening on a soul level. ........................................ So we felt called to gather as women to explore this sacred time. During the weekend we will start to understand that this is the time to tune into and listen to the hum and whisper of what our bodies need. We are being called to listen, observe and feel into a new way of being. ..................................... This stage in a woman's life can feel so HIDDEN, but it's also a time of liberation! The sacred change in our lives is …….. . *So Misunderstood *So Dismissed *So Forgotten *So Isolating *So Freeing *So Empowering *So Liberating No wonder it can create conflict and disharmony in our very being. We intention for the weekend is to share, embrace, honour and cherish this time. ................................... *Feel, listen and express ourselves together. *Tell our stories, share our fears and our heart ache. *Step into your true, primal, authentic power. * Find the liberation in our transformation. We will hold a loving and safe space for all that rises. *Celebrating *Connecting *Creating and Cherishing the essence of this time aligning with the energies of our true femininity. This will be a journey - we will cry, scream, laugh and heal together. We will come together sharing all our knowledge, rituals, ideas and practices Stirring them into the cauldron of our - Sacred Change! .................................................. This is a celebratory weekend of practical workshops, talks, dance, nutrition, ceremony, stalls, healers and much much more. We welcome an inclusive, accepting place to meet all women where they are at on their journey into the sacred change. We will learn from the curious spirit of the Maidens, the nurture of the Mothers, the Magic of the Enchantress and the Wisdom of the Elders! We will submerge ourselves with women of all belief systems, lifestyles, ages and cultures. We welcome you to help us explore the Sacred Change together! We can then begin to ENJOY the polarity of what is happening to our bodies, minds and spirits. Embracing the good shit during this WILD phase of our lives, knowing we can break free from situations, relationships, lifestyles that no longer serve us. ....................................... This weekend is NOT about fixing anyone or anything, but a invite to showcase different ways of navigating through this sacred change. Getting to know and understand yourself on a deeper level, which in turn will help to bring balance in your work, relationships, family and life.

Menopause festival Manchester

We are opening the portal of Sacred Change. Shifting the essence of our consciousness, allowing intrigue, enquiry and love for ourselves, reclaiming honour for our bodies and the wonder & magic of the female form. 


*This is knowledge

 *This is connection

 *This is experience

*This is our time



NEXT EVENT MAY 13TH & 14 2023  






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